Goodbye 2024
January 2, 2025 - Reading time: 4 minutes
Dear 2025,
Hope you'll be doing well.
2024 was unstoppable. Here's a catch up.
Computers & co
- I embarked new users on my server, which got a proper domain for the occasion. Main app used is Nextcloud for synchronized agenda. Resolved some errors
- First steps with site generators, particularly Eleventy
- My email was blocked because I used a VPN lol
- Pulled requests for Bludit plugins
- Old laptop got a new charger and was moved from Manjaro to Linux Mint. We'll use it as a media center (it can read DVDs)
- I intensively studied HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, accessibility and some related topics for 6 months at uni and got my degree (hurray!)
- I released first version of the Qwixx project and started working on version 2
- I started the new FreeCodeCamp JavaScript course and read a book about JavaScript (yes I do love JavaScript)
- I went to last step for a new job but never recieved a "no". Frustating
- My compagny was bought by a right-wing fanatic...
- Big project kickoff! Happy to be part of it
- Launched a website for a friend, used Trello
- Baby project initiated!
- Wife and I doing our best to help our imprisoned friend
- Politics in general and French politics in particular go wild
- Buying our apartment well underway
Let's have a look at last year ambition list:
- writing article about jQuery -> done!
- home server: autosave on dedicated USB key -> still to be done
- laptop: add memory -> I moved to another computer so it's no more relevant
- Qwixx project: release v1, work on planning for v2 -> done!
- obtain my degree 😁 -> done!
Here are my ambitions for 2025:
- home server: autosave on dedicated USB key
- Qwixx project: get closer on releasing v2
- learn Vue.js and write an article about it
- clean up another old laptop
- keep track of what I watch and read by writing a few words on SensCritique
Wish me luck haha.
See you next year and take care